Africa Energy Think Tank

Our Africa-focused energy think-tank special project is dedicated to exploring the future of energy in the region. Our mission is to provide expert insights and analysis, promote innovation, and support the development of sustainable energy solutions that benefit Africa and its communities. We focus on two key areas: oil/gas and hydrogen and provide additional services in in-country capacity building and legislative support.


Oil and gas remain critical sources of energy for Africa, and it is essential to understand the trends and challenges that are shaping the industry. Our oil and gas consulting services provide in-depth analysis, expert insights, and practical recommendations that help companies and governments make informed decisions and achieve their goals.

Research and Analysis

Our research and analysis services provide critical insights into the energy landscape in Africa and help companies and governments make informed decisions. Our experts conduct in-depth research, analyse data, and provide actionable recommendations that support the development of sustainable energy solutions in the region.

Legislative Support

Effective energy policies and regulations are essential for promoting sustainable energy solutions in Africa. Our legislative support services provide expert analysis and recommendations to help governments create effective energy policies that support the growth of sustainable energy in the region.

Hydrogen Energy

Hydrogen is a promising source of clean energy, and Africa has the potential to play a major role in its development and deployment. Our hydrogen energy consulting services help companies and governments understand the opportunities and challenges associated with hydrogen energy, and develop strategies for maximising its potential to support sustainable energy solutions in the region.

In-Country Capacity Building

We understand the importance of building local capacity to support the development of sustainable energy solutions in Africa. Our in-country capacity-building services provide training, resources, and support to help local organisations and communities develop the skills and expertise they need to succeed.

Innovation and Development

Innovation and development are critical to the future of energy in Africa, and we are committed to supporting the development of new and innovative solutions. Our innovation and development services provide expert support and resources to help companies and governments bring new energy technologies and solutions to market, and support the growth of sustainable energy in the region.